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Scrapping is not sustainable - IMA Schelling offers factory reconditioned used machines

04. Mar 2024

In order to conserve resources, IMA Schelling reconditions its used machines and offers them again as "second-hand machines". This applies to machines for wood processing as well as for metals and plastics.

Even ageing machines, such as a first-generation fh 4 panel dividing saw, are overhauled and brought up to the latest technical standards. Image source: IMA Schelling Group

Tested quality: Overhauled machines are certified by IMA Schelling and come with a warranty. Image source: IMA Schelling Group

"We are convinced of the longevity of our products," says Oliver Westerkamp, who manages and looks after the Second Hand Machines division at IMA Schelling. In order to further extend the already long life cycle of the machines, they are refurbished, modernised, certified and resold in his department - a resource-saving, sustainable solution.

IMA Schelling thoroughly overhauls the old machines with a specially assembled team of experts. Functional components are overhauled, wearing parts are replaced and the control system is exchanged or updated. All parts that are still in service are given a second life. "Disposing of functional components is simply a waste of resources," emphasises Westerkamp. "And that's really no longer in keeping with the times."

Double sustainability

The Second Hand Machines department offers suitable reconditioned used machines for all IMA Schelling product areas in wood, metal and plastics processing. Depending on the requirements and scope of the machine overhaul or customised conversions, IMA Schelling offers a warranty of up to twelve months.

Buying a second-hand machine not only means greater sustainability, but also has other advantages. As a rule, the availability of a second-hand machine is shorter than that of a new machine and therefore it is possible to react quickly to changes in production, for example. The refurbishment and modernisation also increases the efficiency of the machine compared to the original model - a double sustainability effect. Customers who are interested in a used machine can also register individual conversion requests, which IMA Schelling then realises during the overhaul.

Second hand machines worldwide

The reaction from the market shows just how much IMA Schelling has hit a nerve with this service. "Our customers are convinced by the second-hand machines and are increasingly asking for them," explains Oliver Westerkamp. "And they are doing so worldwide - we are currently realising projects with second-hand machines in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Turkey, France and India."